Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Deadline to register is Thursday, June 25 at 4:30 pm
- Call to order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of AGM Minutes: 2019
- Executive Reports (to be approved as circulated - see below)
- President (S. Hawash)
- Vice-President (J. Boyd)
- Provincial Supervisor
- Provincial Interpreter (M. Bradbury)
- Treasurer (J. Pursaga)
- Secretary (B. Sagan)
- Director of Clinics (G. Matsumoto)
- Director of Evaluations (W. Anders)
- Director at Large (A. Russo)
- 5. Assigner Reports
- SCAC (D. Morphy)
- KPAC (W. Crymble)
- Winnipeg 1 (D. Kinaschuk)
- Westman (R. Degagne)
- Portage (D. Boddy)
- Steinbach (D. Reimer)
- MBOA (W. Crymble)
- WMBA (R. Kenyon)
- Review of 2019-2020 Budget (J. Pursaga)
- CBOC / Canada Basketball Update
- Return to Train / Return to Competition – COVID 19
- Election of Officers (J. Boyd - see more below)
- Secretary: Ryan Wiebe (UPDATED)
- Treasurer: Mark Adams (UPDATED)
- Director of Clinics: Glenn Matsumoto, incumbent
- Director of Evaluations: Wyatt Anders, incumbent
- Director at Large: Andy Russo, incumbent
- Other Business
- Motion to Adjourn
Executive Nominations 2020-2022
I. Election of MABO Officers: The positions open for nomination and election on the MABO Board for 2020 - 2022 are Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Clinics, Director of Evaluations, Director at Large. All of these positions are a two-year term.
If you would like to run as an Officer on the MABO Board of Directors, or if you would like to nominate anyone for the above positions, please contact Jim Boyd <u1ru2@ymail.com> . Duties are listed below.
For the MABO Executive election to-date, the following names have been received (as of June 17):
- Secretary: Mark Adams
- Treasurer: Ryan Wiebe
- Director of Clinics: Glenn Matsumoto, incumbent
- Director of Evaluations: Wyatt Anders, incumbent
- Director at Large: Andy Russo, incumbent
II. Voting Privileges: all members of MABO are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and are entitled to one (1) vote. A Voting Member may not vote by proxy.
III. Quorum: Attendance by 10% of the Members at the Annual General Meeting is a quorum.
(Detailed Agenda of meeting to follow)
The Manitoba Association of Basketball Officials, in accordance with its Bylaws, will be electing a number of executive positions at its 2020 Annual General Meeting. The duties of these Officers of the Association are as follows:
7.3.5 The Secretary:
- Attends all meetings of the Association, the Board and the Executive Committee,
- Keeps accurate minutes of these meetings;
- Has charge of the Board’s correspondence;
- Makes sure a record of names and addresses of all Members of the Association is kept;
- Makes sure all notices of various meetings are sent;
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
7.3.6 The Treasurer:
- Makes sure annual fees are collected and deposited; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
- Makes sure all monies paid to the Association are deposited in a chartered bank, treasury branch or trust company chosen by the Board;
- Makes sure a detailed account of revenues and expenditures is presented to the Board as requested;
- Makes sure a statement of the financial position of the Association is prepared and presented to the Annual General Meeting;
- Chairs the Finance Committee of the Board;
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
7.3.7 Director of Clinics:
- Shall appoint, with Board approval, and instruct staff of Provincial Clinicians to conduct MABO sanctioned clinics throughout Manitoba.
- Shall be responsible for the planning and development of clinics at all levels and shall consult with the Provincial Interpreter in this regard.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
7.3.8 Director of Evaluations:
- Shall appoint, with Board approval, and instruct the staff of Provincial Evaluators responsible for providing written evaluations for all officials in Manitoba.
- Shall be responsible for contacting the appropriate assignor to schedule the evaluation of officials.
- All evaluation requests are made to the Director of Evaluations.
- The staff of Evaluators will provide written evaluations within two weeks of the game(s) observed to the Director of Evaluations, who will in turn, provide copies to the official, appropriate assignor, and MABO Provincial Supervisor.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
7.3.9 Director-at-Large:
- Shall be responsible for undertaking any reasonable duties the Executive may request of him/her.
- Is a member of the Executive Committee; and
- Carries out other duties assigned by the Board.
- Shall be responsible for the Association’s Mentor Program.
More reports will be added leading up to the meeting.
Can't see the reports below? CLICK HERE to view them all
Can't see the reports below? CLICK HERE to view them all