The Winnipeg Minor Basketball Association and Peg City Basketball Leagues are moving forward with their 3x3 outdoor basketball spring leagues, pending Manitoba Health Regulations. All basketball activities will support and follow the current Basketball Manitoba and Manitoba public health orders of the time. As we know, pandemic conditions can change with the blink of an eye and should things move in a negative way under any changes to the public health orders, so too will Basketball Manitoba’s and thus all members to comply under them.
Currently, regulations will allow the WMBA and Peg City outdoor 3x3 leagues to operate. This could change at any time and all officials will be notified. Basketball Manitoba /WMBA/ MABO are working together to provide a safety protocol for our officials. This will be updated as required.
Games will be played every Saturday and Sunday starting May 8th throughout the summer with 1 official being required per court. Reid Kenyon will be managing the officiating needs of the leagues and is seeking interest form MABO and JODP officials in officiating in the 3x3 leagues. The fee for service will be $25/hour.
A couple of important points:
- Basketball Manitoba has sanctioned this league and it will adhere to the Provincial Health Guidelines but that there is no COVID insurance. This means that any officials that choose to officiate are aware that they have no personal or job loss insurance coverage due to COVID.
- General accident and liability coverage afforded to all MABO members provided in pre-pandemic times will be provided as in the past by Basketball Manitoba. The cost of $15.00 per official as a pro-rated fee (shortened season) and provides insurance coverage until September 30th. More at http://insurance.basketballmanitoba.ca. This $15.00 insurance fee will be deducted off your first pay.
- Basketball Manitoba / WMBA / MABO have constructed a safety protocol. Details will be provided to those who inquire with Reid by email.
If you are interested, below shows the requirements that must be completed for certification to officiate in the 3x3 leagues. The 2020-21 MABO certification due to COVID has 3 categories. Depending on what category you fit into, you must complete as shown:
Registration Options/ Requirements:
Partial Member
$15.00 Basketball Manitoba membership and insurance fee will be deducted from your games fees.
- 3x3 Rules Session – 1 hour Zoom training/videos
Friends of MABO and Non Registered (past members)
$50.00 CBOC and Basketball Manitoba membership fee and insurance fee will be deducted from your game fees.
- Review video from 3 MABO clinic sessions hosted in fall 2020
- Write the FIBA exam
- 3x3 rules session (1 hour Zoom training/videos)
Full Members - identify they want to referee
- 3x3 rules Session - 1 hour Zoom training/videos
- No additional fees as they were already paid in the fall of 2020
Information will follow as per the requirements to those officials who are interested. The safety of our officials is paramount, and I assure you we are working to provide a safety protocol for you to officiate. There is no requirement to officiate as this is a personal choice.
Please contact Reid if interested. Games are starting May 8th therefore lots of work needs to occur in the next number of days.
Source: http://www.maboref.com