Local basketball coach Jon Giesbrecht has announced that he will be hosting and advanced shooting series of camps every Sunday from 8:00 am - 9:00 am.  These workouts will help with shooting technique and offer game situations for shooters to improve game skills.  These workouts are not for everyone but for those who are serious about their development.  Jon will only support a maximum of 10 athletes per session.

If interested in becoming a more confident shooter, where you see game results, please contact him at jongiesbrecht5@gmail.com.  Cost is $25 for 1 session, $70 for 3 sessions of which can be paid via eTransfer.  

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Basketball Manitoba Note: Please note that attendance at or participation in this camp will require all players, coaches, officials, volunteers, staff and spectators to follow the current Manitoba Public Health Orders in place at the time.  

Details on the latest health restrictions can be found HERE...

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