Pilots are adding Manitoba talent to the 2024 recruiting class. 

Caleb Kinden comes to Providence after a very successful high school career with Frontier Collegiate. Caleb and his team were AA Zone champions in 2022, and 2024. 

About signing with the Pilots, Kinden said “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity that Coach Pierre has given me and look forward to meeting all of my teammates this fall. I am extremely excited to start this new chapter in my life, and cannot wait to see where it will take me.”

About his new guard, Coach Pierre said “Caleb was selected in the A-AAA All Star Game, a testimony to his talent. I had the chance to work with him while leading a camp for Frontier Collegiate and I was impressed with his passion for the game and skill level. Caleb is a sharpshooter, handles the ball very well and can use advanced footwork to create for his team or himself. I look forward to starting working with Caleb and the 2024 team.” 

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8r3Kv-x3G2/?igsh=MWlmNzF5MWU5c3IxYQ==

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