Tyson Fransisco has announced that he will be playing with the Thunderbirds at Algoma University for the 2024-2025 school year.

He begins by expressing gratitude to his family, who have been his biggest supporters since the day he picked up a basketball. They have been the backbone of his journey, and he acknowledges that he wouldn't be in this position without them. Their constant encouragement, dedication, and belief in him are things he is most grateful for, and he is proud to call them his family.

Tyson also extends his thanks to his incredible coaches, including Mike Francisco, Buchi Mkanda, Lenin Mangaron, Daron Leonard, Jon Legaspi, Lloyd Celones, and the Sargent Park and DMCI Coaching Staff, who have all played significant roles in his development over the years. He also expresses appreciation for his mentors, with a special shoutout to Wyatt Anders, Carriera Lamoureux, Jon Giesbrecht, and Refresh mentors Denzel Soliven and Ryan Reyes. Their guidance and constructive critiques have helped him expand his game to a deeper level.

He thanks his friends, alumni, and teammates for teaching him the importance of being part of a team. They have pushed him to become a better individual, both on and off the court, and have provided him with the opportunity to work closely with a group of people he considers his second family.

Tyson expresses his gratitude to everyone who continues to support him. He is excited and blessed to begin this new chapter in his life and looks forward to playing with his new teammates and learning from Coach Ryan Vetrie and the Thunderbird coaching staff. 

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-By5DMvIXn/?igsh=MTJkc2d3ZW1lMnBsaw==

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