A fun, low-pressure way for kids to enjoy the game in a real-game environment! Teams change weekly, with equal playing time for everyone.

๐Ÿ“… Schedule
๐Ÿ—“️ Tuesdays (Jan 14–Feb 25):
6–7 PM: Boys Gr. 5–6 (Int./Beginners)
7–8 PM: Girls Gr. 7–8

๐Ÿ—“️ Wednesdays (Jan 15–Feb 26):
6–7 PM: Boys Gr. 5–6 (Advanced)
7–8 PM: Boys Gr. 7–8 (Intermediate)

๐Ÿ—“️ Thursdays (Jan 16–Feb 27):
6–7 PM: Girls Gr. 5–6
7–8 PM: Boys Gr. 7–8 (Advanced)

๐Ÿ’ฒ Fees
$150 Early Bird (by Dec. 20)
$175 Regular (until Jan. 16 or capacity)

Fee Includes:
✔️ 7 sessions
✔️ WYBA jersey
✔️ Coaches/Referee expenses
✔️ Player Insurance

๐Ÿ“ง Questions? Contact wybamanitoba@hotmail.com

Sign up now and join the fun!

Source: https://leagues.teamlinkt.com/leagues/NewsItem/13462/28242

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