Telephone: 204-925-5908
Basketball Manitoba
145 Pacific Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 2Z6
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Please contact Dan on the following Basketball Manitoba Programs and Services...
- Manitoba Provincial Team
- Targeted Athlete Program
- Coach Education (including NCCP and Super Coaches Clinic)
- Player Camps & Clinics
please contact Tiara Licsi.
Before contacting us, please check out the following common questions get to help answer your question. If you still need more, please feel free to contact us!
1. I have a child who wants to start playing basketball. What options do I have?
2. I got injured in a basketball game and need to make an insurance claim. How do I do this?
- Read the article "Basketball Insurance Services".
3. I want to start refereeing basketball. How do I get started?
- Read the article, "I Want to Referee Basketball".
4. I want to start coaching basketball. What resources do you have to help?
- Read the article., "I Want to Coach Basketball".
5. I want to get involved with basketball but may have some financial difficulties to do so. What options do you have?
- Read the article "Grants and Scholarships" and visit the "KidSport" or "JumpStart" websites.